In vitro anthelmintic efficacy of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad on Haemonchus contortus

Autor: Tauseef Rehman, Khalid J. Iqbal, Azra Anwer, Rao Z. Abbas, Wasim Babar, Ahmad Ali, Muhammad K. Khan, Arshad Javid, Noor Khan, Hafiz M. Ali, Faisal Shahzad, Muhammad A. Zaman, Arbab Sikandar
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Veterinarski arhiv
Volume 91
Issue 3
ISSN: 1331-8055
Popis: Ethno-veterinary medicinal studies associated with traditional uses of the flora of the Cholistan desert have shown that fruits of Citrullus colocynthis are used for the treatment of helminth infections. The present research was designed to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy of C. colocynthis against H. contortus. The in vitro anthelmintic effects of aqueous-methanol and ethyl acetate fruit extracts of C. colocynthis against H. contortus were determined through egg hatch and adult motility assays. The effect of four serial dilutions of 25 mg/mL of each extract compared to levamisol (0.55 mg/mL) and oxfendazole (three serial dilutions of 25 μg/mL) were studied. Both ethyl acetate and aqueous-methanol extracts paralyzed all adult worms 4h and 8h post-exposure at a dose of 25 mg/mL each. In the egg hatch assay, about 83.67% and 80.67% of H. contortus eggs failed to hatch with the same dose (i.e. 25 mg/mL) of ethyl acetate and CAME extracts, respectively. The results of the present study strongly support fruit extracts of C. colocynthis as a promising alternative to synthetic drugs against H. contortus. These findings will lead to further in vivo studies to investigate the bio-availability of the active ingredients of the plant and the minimum non-lethal concentration required for treatment of haemonchosis in livestock. The anthelmintic effects of C. colocynthis might be attributed to the presence of phenolic acids.
Istraživanja etno veterinarske medicine povezana sa tradicionalnom primjenom flore iz pustinje Cholistan pokazala su da u liječenju invazija uzrokovanih helmintima mogu biti uporabljeni plodovi Citrullus colocynthis. Ovo istraživanje je oblikovano s ciljem da se procjeni anthelmintička djelotvornost C. colocynthis u kontroli oblića Haemonchus contortus. Testovi izlijeganja iz jaja i pokretljivosti odraslih jedinki korišteni su za mjerenje antihelmintičkih učinaka vodene otopine metanola i etil acetate ekstrahiranih iz C. colocynthis. Analiziran je učinak četiri serijska razrjeđivanja od 25 mg/mL svakog ekstrakta u usporedbi s levamisolom (0,55 mg/mL) i oksfendazolom (tri serijska razrjeđivanja od 25 μg/mL). Oba ekstrakta, i etil acetata i vodene otopine metanola, paralizirali su sve odrasle crve 4h i 8h nakon izlaganja u dozi od 25 mg/mL. U testu izlijeganja jaja, pri istoj dozi (25 mg/mL), 83,67% jaja H. contortus nije se izleglo nakon uporabe ekstrakta etil acetat, odnosno 80,67% nakon uporabe otopine metanola. Rezultati ovog istraživanja snažno podupiru ekstrakte ploda C. colocynthis kao obećavajuće alternative sintetskim lijekovima protiv oblića H. contortus. Za očekivati je daljnja in vivo istraživanja kako bi se utvrdila biodostupnost aktivnih sastojaka biljke i minimalna nesmrtonosna koncentracija potrebna za liječenje invazija stoke sa H. contortus. Anthelmintički učinci C. colocynthis se mogu pripisati prisutnosti fenolnih kiselina.
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