Entropy based image blending for endoscopic panorama imaging in cystoscopy

Autor: Bergen, Tobias, Trost, Jonas, Wittenberg, Thomas
Přispěvatelé: Publica
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: The usual clinical procedure for early detection of cancer in the urinary bladder is the visual inspection with an endoscope (cystoscope). The very limited field of view provided by the cystoscope impedes orientation for the surgeon, thus making it challenging to ensure, that the interior bladder wall has been examined completely. Panorama imaging techniques can be used to assist the surgeon and provide a larger view field. Creating endoscopic panorama images by means of stitching techniques require image blending to provide smooth transition between fused input frames. Several blending algorithms have been proposed in the past with the goal to suppress hard transitions between images and at the same time keep a maximum amount of image structure. In this contribution, we discuss several state of the art blending techniques applied to cystoscopy images and present a new approach based on a local entropy measure. We show that local entropy is a suitable measure to achieve a good balance between transition smoothness and structure preservation. A quantitative comparison with two well-established methods shows the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed method.
Databáze: OpenAIRE