Učinak programirane intervencije liječnika obiteljske medicine na stavove pacijenata prema preventivnim aktivnostima i na čimbenike rizika za cerebrovaskularne bolesti [The effects of the programmed intervention of familly medicine doctors on the patients' attitudes towards preventive activities and the risk factors for cerebbrovascular diseases]

Autor: Vučak, Jasna
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Popis: The aim of the research was to examine the changes in attitudes and behaviors of the patients after the systematic and planned intervention pf the family medicine doctors and efficiency in prevention of risk factors in cerebrovascular diseases in person of 40 years of age and older under the care of family medicine doctors. The research was conducted as a part of the project called “The effectiveness of the family medicine doctors in prevention of cardiovascular diseases” (Cardiovascular risk and intervention study in Croatia – family medicine – CRISIC – fm) which was included in the international database of the randomized control studies (ISRCTN31857696). The first phase of the research (cross–sectional) included 59 doctors randomized in intervention and control groups. The subjects of the intervention group underwent the systematized and programmed intervention while the control group continued with the usual care. All the subjects in both groups were prospectively monitored and 24 months after the initial visit were retested using identical methods to ascertain the outcome of intervention in both groups. The CRISTIC – fm study initially included 2485 subjects (946 males and 1537 females) with the average age of 61 (±10.8). The intervention group changed most of its attitudes stating that not smoking, cholesterol level, blood glucose, artery blood pressure, Pap–tests and mammography were very important holding the statistic significance level of P
Databáze: OpenAIRE