The history and development of our knowledge relating to anaemia

Autor: De Waal, H. L.
Rok vydání: 1939
Popis: In this essay an attempt has been made to lay before the reader those facts which bear directly and indirectly on the evolution of our ideas relating to anaemia. At first sight the work appeared straight - forward but early in my reading I realised that with the limited time at my disposal, and the lack of facilities to obtain all the foreign publications I desired, there would occur certain historical gaps, which would prove disconcerting to the critical reader. Not only did i realise this short-coming, bit it soon became evident that a comprehensive study of the many thousands of articles published in various medical journals, as well as a survey of the books, which were within my reach, would result in a work, the dimensions of which would far exceed reasonable bounds. I have however attempted throughout the essay to place the historical facts so that the reader may see the subject as a story, -:Mich begins with early medical thought some thousands of years ago. It continues from the ancient Orient and Egypt through Greece and Rome. It appears in the pages of the Arab writers, and thence passes to the era of the intellectual Renaissance. From there it continues to the time prior to the period of true scientific medicine, and so up to the present.
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