Search for $\nu\mu \to \nu_{e}$ Oscillations in the NOMAD Experiment

nu(e) oscillations in the NOMAD experiment at CERN. The experiment looked for the appearance of nu(e) in a predominantly nu(mu) wide-band neutrino beam at the CERN SPS. No evidence for oscillations was found. The 90% confidence limits obtained are delta m^2 < 0.4 eV^2 for maximal mixing and sin^2(2theta) < 1.4x10^{-3} for large delta m^2. This result excludes the LSND allowed region of oscillation parameters with delta m^2 > 10 eV^2. -->
Jazyk: English
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Přírůstkové číslo: edsair.od........65..9d3138f1c7f419f97007559ae439389d
Autor: Astier, Pierre, Autiero, D, Baldisseri, Alberto, Baldo-Ceolin, Massimilla, Banner, M, Bassompierre, Gabriel, Benslama, K, Besson, N, Bird, I, Blumenfeld, B, Bobisut, F, Bouchez, J, Boyd, S, Bueno, A G, Bunyatov, S, Camilleri, L L, Cardini, A, Cattaneo, Paolo Walter, Cavasinni, V, Cervera-Villanueva, A, Challis, R C, Chukanov, A, Collazuol, G, Conforto, G, Conta, C, Contalbrigo, M, Cousins, R, Daniels, D, Degaudenzi, H M, Del Prete, T, De Santo, A, Dignan, T, Di Lella, L, do Couto e Silva, E, Dumarchez, J, Ellis, M, Feldman, G J, Ferrari, R, Ferrère, D, Flaminio, Vincenzo, Fraternali, M, Gaillard, J M, Gangler, E, Geiser, A, Geppert, D, Gibin, D, Gninenko, S N, Godley, A, Gómez-Cadenas, J J, Gosset, J, Gössling, C, Gouanère, M, Grant, A, Graziani, G, Guglielmi, A M, Hagner, C, Hernando, J A, Hubbard, D B, Hurst, P, Hyett, N, Iacopini, E, Joseph, C L, Juget, F R, Kent, N, Kirsanov, M M, Klimov, O, Kokkonen, J, Kovzelev, A, Krasnoperov, A V, Kustov, D, Lacaprara, S, Lachaud, C, Lakic, B, Lanza, A, La Rotonda, L, Laveder, M, Letessier-Selvon, A A, Lévy, J M, Linssen, Lucie, Ljubicic, A, Long, J, Lupi, A, Marchionni, A, Martelli, F, Méchain, X, Mendiburu, J P, Meyer, J P, Mezzetto, Mauro, Mishra, S R, Moorhead, G F, Naumov, D V, Nédélec, P, Nefedov, Yu A, Nguyen-Mau, C, Orestano, D, Pastore, F, Peak, L S, Pennacchio, E, Pessard, H, Petti, R, Placci, A, Polesello, G, Pollmann, D, Polyarush, A Yu, Popov, B, Poulsen, C, Rebuffi, L, Renò, R, Rico, J, Riemann, P, Roda, C, Rubbia, André, Salvatore, F, Schahmaneche, K, Schmidt, B, Schmidt, T, Sconza, A, Sevior, M E, Sillou, D, Soler, F J P, Sozzi, G, Steele, D, Stiegler, U, Stipcevic, M, Stolarczyk, T, Tareb-Reyes, M, Taylor, G, Tereshchenko, V V, Toropin, A N, Touchard, A M, Tovey, Stuart N, Tran, M T, Tsesmelis, E, Ulrichs, J, Vacavant, L, Valdata-Nappi, M, Valuev, V Y, Vannucci, François, Varvell, K E, Veltri, M, Vercesi, V, Vidal-Sitjes, G, Vieira, J M, Vinogradova, T G, Weber, F V, Weisse, T, Wilson, F F, Winton, L J, Yabsley, B D, Zaccone, Henri, Zuber, K, Zuccon, P
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2003
Popis: We present the results of a search for nu(mu)-->nu(e) oscillations in the NOMAD experiment at CERN. The experiment looked for the appearance of nu(e) in a predominantly nu(mu) wide-band neutrino beam at the CERN SPS. No evidence for oscillations was found. The 90% confidence limits obtained are delta m^2 < 0.4 eV^2 for maximal mixing and sin^2(2theta) < 1.4x10^{-3} for large delta m^2. This result excludes the LSND allowed region of oscillation parameters with delta m^2 > 10 eV^2.
Databáze: OpenAIRE