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Od početka procesa tranzicije, bivše centralno-planske privrede su bile suočene sa brojnim razvojnim problemima. Jedan od svakako najvažnijih jeste uspostavljanje podsticajnog poslovnog ambijenta, koji bi ovim privredama omogućio dinamiziranje privrednog razvoja. Međutim, to nije nimalo jednostavan zadatak imajući u vidu da je poslovno okruženje multidimenzionalni koncept, i da su reforme u različitim segmentima koji ga sačinjavaju međusobno uslovljene i povezane. Zato bi implementacija strategije unapređenja poslovnog okruženja u zemljama u tranziciji trebalo da bude dosledna i kontinuirana, jer odlaganje određenih reformi negativno utiče na stanje u ostalim segmentima, što privredu dovodi u „začarani krug reformi“ iz koga je vrlo teško izaći. U cilju unapređenja poslovnog okruženja i njegovog usklađivanja sa onim koje postoji u razvijenim tržišnim privredama, zemlje u tranziciji bi trebalo da okončaju započete tranzicione procese usmerene na privatizaciju i restrukturiranje realnog sektora, povećanje efikasnosti tržišta dobara i razvoja tržišno-orijentisanog finasijskog sektora, ali i da unaprede kvalitet javne vlasti, pojednostave obavljanje administrativnih procedura za pokretanje poslovanja, reformišu poreski sistem, sprovedu makroekonomsku stabilizaciju i unaprede kvalitet fizičke infrastrukture. Sprovođenje pomenutih procesa omogućiće zemljama u tranziciji da ubrzaju rast zaposlenosti i privredne aktivnosti i dostignu stepen razvijenosti tržišnih privreda. Imajući u vidu pomenuta svojstva poslovnog okruženja u radu je primenjena multikriterijumska analiza, kojom su posmatrani aspekti svedeni na jedinstveni pokazatelj kvaliteta poslovnog okruženja, čime je omogućena komparativna analiza razmatranih zemalja u tranziciji, ali i ispitivanje korelacionih odnosa između kvaliteta poslovnog okruženja i razvojnih performansi ovih zemalja, datih u vidu BDP-a per capita po paritetu kupovne moći, izvoznog koeficijenta i stoka SDI, kako bi se testirale postavljene hipoteze o značaju sprovođenja reformi usmerenih na unapređenje poslovnog okruženja na pomenute performanse tranzicionih privreda. Analizom dinamike i efekata implementiranih reformi u posmatranim zemljama u tranziciji stvoreni su uslovi da se koncipira odgovarajuća strategija unapređenja poslovnog okruženja u Srbiji, zasnovana na pozitivnim iskustvima zemalja koje su ostvarile značajna poboljšanja u posmatranim segmentima poslovnog okruženja, ali i ukazivanjem na zamke sprovođenja reformi sa kojima su se suočile zemlje koje su imale problema sa implementacijom neophodnih mera za unapređenje poslovnog okruženja. Since the beginning of the transition process, the former centrally-planned economies have been faced with numerous development challenges. Certainly, one of the most important is the establishment of an enabling business environment, which would allow these economies to dynamise the economic development. However, it is not a simple task given that the business environment is a multidimensional concept, and that reforms in various segments that constitute it are mutually dependent and connected. Therefore, the implementation of the strategy for improvement of business environment in the transition countries should be consistent and continuous, because delaying in implementation of certain reforms negatively affect the situation in other segments and leads the economy into a "vicious circle of reforms" from which it is very difficult to get out. In order to improve the business environment and to benchmark its characteristics from those in the developed market economies, transition countries should finalize started transitional process, focusing on the privatization and restructuring of the real sector, the increase of the goods market efficiency and the development of a market-oriented financial sector, as well as to improve the quality of public authority, simplify the administrative procedures for starting a business, reforming the tax system, implement macroeconomic stabilization and improve the quality of physical infrastructure. The implementation of these processes will enable transition countries to accelerate the growth of employment and economic activity, and to reach the level of development of market economies. Bearing in mind mentioned characteristics of the business environment in the thesis it was applied multi-criteria analysis, which synthesize of observed aspects of the business environment into a single indicator of the business environment quality, that enable the comparative analysis of the considered transition countries, as well as examination of correlations between the quality of the business environment and development performances of these countries, given in the form of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity, the export ratio and FDI stock, in order to test the hypotheses about the importance of implementation of reforms aimed at improving the business environment on the aforementioned performances in transition economies. The analysis of the dynamics and effects of implemented reforms in the observed transition countries created the conditions to formulate an appropriate strategy for improvement of business environment in Serbia, based on the positive experiences of countries that have achieved significant improvements in the observed segments of the business environment, as well as by pointing out the traps in implementation of reforms with which were faced the countries that had problems with the implementation of necessary measures to improve the business environment. |