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Predmet istraţivanja je sagledavanje kompleksnog odnosa izmeĊu fenomena globalizacije svetske privrede i uticaja na privredu Republike Srbije. S obzirom da ĉinjenicu da globalizacija utiĉe na proces tranzicije zemalja centralne i istoĉne Evrope ka trţišnoj ekonomiji, a time i na priliv inostranog kapitala, osnovni cilj istraţivanja usmeren je na analizu uticaja procesa globalizacije na privredni rast i razvoj, a u tom smislu i na finansiranje privrede Republike Srbije.Globalizacijom je Republika Srbija nesumnjivo, postala deo sveta, jaĉa se konkurencija, podiţe se i nivo uvoza i izvoza. Znaĉaj za privredni rast svih zemalja, a posebno zemalja u razvoju i zemalja u tranziciji, a time Republike Srbije, imaju strana ulaganja, koja su znaĉajna u strukturnim promenama proizvodnje i izvoza. U Republici Srbiji je proces tranzicije i formiranja osnova za trţišni naĉin privreĊivanja usporen, zbog oteţanih procesa privatizacije, koja je stvorila uslove za nastanak monopolske trţišne strukture, u nedostatku ĉvrstih zakonskih odredaba. Liberalno organizovano trţište, na kome privredni subjekti ne mogu svojim delovanjem ugroziti proklamovane trţišne slobode, uslovljeno je procesima integracije, regionalizacije i globalizacije, kao i uslovima koje diktiraju i nameću vodeće ekonomije današnjice.Afirmacijom novih informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija, znaĉaj prostora kao faktora regionalnog rasta i razvoja se znaĉajno smanjio, pri ĉemu su se javile velike promene, poĉev od poimanja regiona, njegove neodvojivosti od geografskog prostora i zajednice u njemu, do poimanja regiona u smislu entiteta. Na znaĉaju dobijaju faktori privrednog rasta razvoja, karakteristiĉni za privreĊivanje u ekonomiji, temeljenoj na znanju i inovacijama. The subject of the research is the perception of the complex relationship between the phenomenon of globalization of the world economy and the impact on the economy of the Republic of Serbia. Given that the fact that globalization affects the process of transition of Central and Eastern European countries to market economies, and thus the inflow of foreign capital, the main goal of the research is to analyze the impact of globalization on economic growth and development, and in that sense to finance the economy. The Republic of Serbia has undoubtedly become a part of the world with globalization, competition is strengthening, and the level of imports andexports is rising. Important for the economic growth of all countries, especially developing countries and countries in transition, and thus the Republic of Serbia, are foreign investments, which are important in the structural changes of production and exports. In the Republic of Serbia, the process of transition and the formation of the basis for the market economy has slowed down, due to the difficult privatization process, which has created the conditions for the emergence of a monopoly market structure, in the absence of strict legal provisions. The liberal organized market, in which economic entities cannot endanger the proclaimed market freedoms, is conditioned by the processes of integration, regionalization and globalization, as well as the conditions dictated and imposed by today's leading economies. and development has decreased significantly, with major changes, starting from the notion of the region, its inseparability from the geographical space and the community in it, to the notion of the region in terms of entities. The factors of economic growth and development, characteristic for the economy in the economy, based on knowledge and innovation, are gaining in importance. |