On the scopal interaction of negation and deontic modals

Autor: Iatridou, S., Zeijlstra, H., Aloni, M., Bastiaanse, H., de Jager, T., van Ormondt, P., Schulz, K.
Přispěvatelé: ACLC (FGw)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Seventeenth Amsterdam Colloquium: December 16-18, 2009: pre-proceedings, 296-305
STARTPAGE=296;ENDPAGE=305;TITLE=Seventeenth Amsterdam Colloquium: December 16-18, 2009: pre-proceedings
Popis: In this paper we argue that the different scopal relations that deontic modal auxiliaries cross-linguistically exhibit can be explained by assuming that (i) polarity effects arise in the domain of universal deontic modals and therefore not in the domain of existential deontic modals; and (ii) that all deontic modals must be interpreted VP in situ if their polarity requirements allow for that.
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