Accountability, international business operations, and the law: The way forward

Autor: Ryngaert, C.M.J., Giesen, I., Roorda, L., Enneking, Liesbeth, Kristen, F.G.H., Schaap, A.L.M., Enneking, L., Schaap, A-J., Ryngaert, C., Kristen, F., UCALL / Aansprakelijkheid en verantwoordelijkheid, Internationaal recht, Afd internationaal en Europees recht, Dep Rechtsgeleerdheid, Burgerlijk recht II, Strafrecht en strafprocesrecht 1
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Accountability, International Business Operations and the Law, 281. Routledge
ISSUE=1;STARTPAGE=281;TITLE=Accountability, International Business Operations and the Law
Popis: In this chapter, the editors conclude this volume by trying to envisage “The Way Forward” as regards accountability, international business operations and the law. This chapter will, on the basis of the foregoing chapters, draw conclusions as to the most viable ways forward when it comes to holding international business actors to account for violations of human rights and environmental standards abroad. Returning to the six ambitions mentioned in the introduction (Chapter 1), this chapter will highlight existing accountability mechanisms that are applied in new ways by legal practitioners in the field as well as new accountability mechanisms that are considered additions or alternatives to those already-existing mechanisms. It will speculate on the extent to which these mechanisms can have transformative effects on the way in which transnational business operations are conducted, and will address potential thresholds and/or side effects. It will also discuss the sociopolitical sensitivities inherent in the introduction of new mechanisms and/or the optimization of existing ones. It will close off with some recommendations for legal scholars as regards topics that warrant further research, for legal practitioners as regards legal avenues that warrant further development through case law, and for policymakers as regards accountability mechanisms that warrant realization and/or optimization.
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