40Ar/39Ar constraints on obduction of the Seram ultramafic complex: consequences for the evolution of the southern Banda Sea

Autor: Linthout, K., Helmers, H., Wijbrans, J. R., Van Wees, J. D.A.M.
Přispěvatelé: Geology and Geochemistry
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Geological Society Special Publication, 106, 455-464. Geological Society of London
ISSN: 0305-8719
Popis: On Kaibobo (W Seram), obduction of hot oceanic lithosphere produced high-grade metamorphism and granite in overthrust continental crust. 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 5.65-6.0 Ma and 5.4 Ma of muscovite and biotite from the sole, indicate complete resetting of the Ar-isotope system. Single fusion on biotite from the granite gave an age of 5.5 Ma. Time limits for the obduction-exhumation history of the Kaibobo complex and sole are approximated by simple 1D forward P-T-t modelling, constrained by PT data and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology. Best fit results indicate that the decelerating post-emplacement exhumation of ophiolite and sole began ≤ 8 Ma ago. Undoing 8 Ma of migration in the SW Pacific and Australian regimes of motion back-tracks Kaibobo to the site where obduction-emplacement ended: near the southeastern corner of the Banda Sea plate. Similar compositions and time-settings of the Kaibobo and N Timor ophiolites indicate that, during the Early Miocene, slow-rate spreading occurred in the oceanic lithosphere of the southern Banda Sea, south of the current volcanic arc. -from Authors
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