Finding a balance in dimensions of blended learning

Autor: Verkroost, M., Meijerink, L., Lintsen, H.W., Veen, W.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: International Journal on E-learning, 7(3), 499-522. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
ISSN: 1537-2456
Popis: This article is a formative evaluation of a course in which a blended learning environment was created and a good balance in dimensions of blended learning was sought. Blended learning is defined as the total mix of pedagogical methods, using a combination of different learning strategies, both with and without the use of technology. The evaluation is based on a model of blended learning that has four dimensions: structured/unstructured, individual/group, face-to-face/at-a-distance, and self/teacher directed. These dimensions are used for the evaluation of a module entitled Society and Technology that is taught at Delft University of Technology. We describe how the module evolved in terms of these four dimensions of blended learning. We then use this case as the basis for a discussion about an effective balance in blended learning and further research in this field.
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