Determination of the Tool–Chip Contact Length for the Cutting Processes

Autor: Möhring, Michael Storchak, Konstantin Drewle, Christian Menze, Thomas Stehle, Hans-Christian
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Materials; Volume 15; Issue 9; Pages: 3264
ISSN: 1996-1944
DOI: 10.3390/ma15093264
Popis: The thermomechanical interaction of the tool with the chip in the most loaded secondary cutting zone depends on the contact length of the tool rake face with the chip. Experimental studies of the dependency of the contact length on the cutting speed, the undeformed chip thickness, and the tool rake angle, performed by the optical method, are used for comparison with the contact length obtained by the FE modeling of the orthogonal cutting process. To determine the parameters of the constitutive Johnson–Cook equation, which serves as a material model of the FE cutting model that has a predominant influence on the contact length, a software-implemented algorithm was developed. This algorithm is based on determining the generalized parameters of the constitutive equation through finding the intersection of these parameter sets. The plurality intersection of the parameter sets of the constitutive equation is determined by means of the design of experiments and refined by subsequent multiple iterations. The comparison of the contact length values, obtained by simulating the cutting process using the generalized parameters of the constitutive equation as a material model with their experimental values, does not exceed 12% for a wide range of cutting speeds and depths of cut, as well as for the tool rake angle.
Databáze: OpenAIRE
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