The Relationship of Physical Activity and Peak Height Velocity in Children

Autor: Sumartiningsih, Sri, Setiowati, Anies, Rahayu, Setya, Syahputri, Wahyu Restu, Fauzi, Rifan, Nurrahman, Riza Rizqi, Annas, Safeb Achmad Irfa`I, Dewa, Rakha Abiyyu Agha, Sugiharto, S, Junaidi, Said
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Prosiding Seminar dan Lokakarya Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Jakarta; Vol 4 No 01 (2021): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Olahraga; 140-145
ISSN: 2548-5199
Popis: The case of stunting in Indonesia is number one in ASEAN. The stuntingindicator can be predicted by height and weight; the gene, nutrition, health, andphysical activity also contributed to development and growth. The appropriatephysical activity and engagement in sports can help to increase growth spurt inchildren. Each sport has a different characteristic and type and its effect on thegrowth of who engaged. The study investigates the relationship between physicalactivity (PA) and Peak Height Velocity (PHV) in children. The literature review wasused in this study to explore the association between PA and PHV. The review studyfound that the level of PA strongly correlated with PHV. The substantial evidencealso found that boys were higher in PA than girls on PHV time. However, whenaligned no difference in biological age and sex three years before PFV. The childrenwho get the intervention of PA regularly higher on PHV than no PA regularly. Thestudy concludes that PA is essential to increase PHV in the development and growthstage of children.
Databáze: OpenAIRE