Jazyk: indonéština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Jurnal Evaluasi Pendidikan; Vol 3 No 2 (2012): JURNAL EVALUASI PENDIDIKAN; 107-117
ISSN: 2086-7425
DOI: 10.21009/JEP.032
Popis: This research was aimed to examine the accuracy of concordance method on linear method, linear parallel method and equipercentile method. The accuracy of those three concordance methods is revealed through the average score of the root mean square deviation (RMSD). This research used two sets of test instrument, namely the Final Examination of Chemistry, in which each was developed by SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan and SMAN 1 Cikarang Utara. Both of these two sets of test instrument were developed based on similar construct (similar standards of competence and basic competences). The method used was an experimental method. Random Sampling with replacement technique was used. Research hypotheses were tested by using analysis of one way variance (ANAVA). The study concluded that: (1) there was no difference in the average score of the RMSD between the linear methods, parallel linear methods, and equipercentile method when viewed statistically, and (2) viewed empirically, the difference of the average score of the RMSD of the three concordance methods was very small. The average score of RMSD when perceived by the parallel linear method is 3,0964, when perceived by the linear method is 3,1644, and when perceived by the equipercentile methodis 3,2943. This indicated that the parallel linear method was little more accurate compared to both linear method and equipercentile method.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti akurasi metode concordance antara metode linier, metode paralel linier, dan metode ekipersentil. Akurasi ketiga metode concordance tersebut dilihat melalui nilai rerata dari deviasi akar kuadrat rata-rata (RMSD). Penelitian ini menggunakan dua perangkat tes, yaitu perangkat tes Ulangan Akhir Semester mata pelajaran kimia yang dikembangkan oleh dua sekolah yang berbeda, yaitu SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan dan SMAN 1 Cikarang Utara. Kedua perangkat tes tersebut disusun berdasarkan kisi-kisi yang sama (standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar yang sama). Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan melalui metode acak berulang dengan pengembalian. Hipotesis penelitian diuji dengan analisis varian (ANAVA) satu jalan. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa: (1) secara statistika tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai rerata RMSD antara metode linier, metode paralel linier, dan metode ekipersentil, dan (2) secara empirik, perbedaan nilai rerata RMSD dari ketiga metode concordance tersebut sangat kecil. Pada metode paralel linier diperoleh nilai rerata RMSD sebesar 3,0964, sedangkan dengan metode linier diper­oleh nilai rerata RMSD sebesar 3,1644, dan dengan metode ekipersentil diperoleh nilai rerata RMSD sebesar 3,2943. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa metode paralel linier sedikit lebih akurat dibandingkan metode linier dan metode ekipersentil.
Databáze: OpenAIRE