Metastatic tumor to the penis from lung and pancreas cancer: report of two cases

Autor: Danno, Shozo, Okada, Hiyoshi, Mikami, Osamu, Kawamura, Hiroshi, Ohara, Takashi, Matsuda, Tadashi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: 泌尿器科紀要. 43(1):61-63
ISSN: 0018-1994
Popis: 症例1:65歳男.陰茎背部の硬結を主訴とした. 症例2:62歳男.症例1と同じ主訴をもち, 原発巣はそれぞれ肺癌(約4ヵ月前から化学療法及びCo照射施行)及び膵癌(約40ヵ月前に膵頭十二指腸切除施行)であった. 症例1は転移性陰茎腫瘍診断後約3ヵ月に多発性転移をきたし死亡した.症例2は膵癌の陰茎転移と診断後約14ヵ月に癌性悪液質で死亡した
Neoplasms metastasizing to the penis are uncommon, and occur at the end stage of carcinoma. We describe two patients with a metastatic lesion to the penis from lung squamous cell carcinoma and pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We reviewed 101 cases with secondary penile tumor. The prognosis of secondary penile tumor is extremely poor.
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