Preliminary study of food habits in the Japanese clawed salamander larvae (Onychodactylus japonicus) in a mountain brook of the Kiso River system

Autor: Teruhiko, Takahara, Motomi, Genkai-Kato, Hitoshi, Miyasaka, Yukihiro, Kohmatsu
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 黒潮圏科学 = Kuroshio Science. 4(2):175-181
ISSN: 1882-823X
Popis: To evaluate food habits of the Japanese clawed salamander larvae (Onychodactylus japonicus), we examined stomach contents of 22 individuals collected from a natural mountain brook in a tributary of the Kurokawa River in Kiso Fukushima, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan. Their diet composition did not differ between fast and slow current conditions. The diet reflected the natural benthos communities of the brook, in which mayfly nymphs and caddisfly larvae accounted for 70–88%. The salamander larvae selectively foraged on caddisfly and fly larvae in the two current conditions. In the slow current condition, their prey preference was detected in the prey group including terrestrial invertebrates. Our results suggest that theprey items of O. japonicus larvae hinge primarily on the natural benthos communities.
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