Clinical evaluation of ofloxacin in the treatment of acute cystitis

Autor: SAKASHITA, Shigeo, KUMAGAI, Akira, KUBOTA, Michihiro, YAMAZAKI, Hidehiro, NANTANI, Masami, SAKAKIBARA, Naoyuki, TSUBO, Syunsuke, TOGASHI, Masaki, MARU, Akio, KOYANAGI, Tomohiko, NAKANISHI, Syoichiro, KASAI, Tsuyoshi, OTSUKA, Akira, MOTOMURA, Katsuaki, MINAMI, Shigemasa, KOSUGI, Masao, NAMIJI, Takemi, ITO, Yuichi, HISAJIMA, Sadakazu, ABE, Yasumichi, KAWAKURA, Koichi, OHASHI, Nobuo, YAMADA, Tomoji, HIRANO, Tetsuo, FUJIEDA, Junichiro, OMURO, Hiroshi, TAKAMATSU, Tsuneo, ROKUJYO, Masatoshi, NISHIDA, Toru, KUSAKAI, Hiroyuki, KUDO, Tetsuo, MITSUHASHI, Hiroyuki, TERASHIMA, Mitsuyuki, MATSUNO, Tadashi, AMINO, Isamu, KANETA, Tatsuo, MITSUHASHI, Kimiyoshi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: 泌尿器科紀要. 33(2):311-317
ISSN: 0018-1994
Popis: 本研究は最近開発された経口抗菌化学療法剤OFLXによる急性単純性膀胱炎の治療成績, 安全性を多施設にて再評価したものである.合わせて, 1日300 mg投与と600 mg投与の成績を比較したものである.UTI薬効評価基準に従って総合臨床効果では98.8%と極めて高い有効率が得られた.また, 臨床症状, 膿尿あるいは細菌尿のそれぞれに対する効果は, 300 mg投与群あるいは600 mg投与群のいずれも95%以上の有効率が得られた.したがって, 急性単純性膀胱炎に対するOFLXの投与量は1日300 mg以上の投与で十分有効と考えられた.以上の成績は, 石神らの128例の急性単純性膀胱炎の治療成績(有効率;96.9%)を追認したものと思われた.副作用としては重篤な症状は観察されなかった.また, 投与量の違いによる発現率には有意差はなく, 症状としては胃腸症状が全体で6例(2.5%)で, すでに報告されている成績(3.2%)とほぼ同様であった.また, 不眠が1例(0.4%)にみられたが, 開発時でも0.6%にみられていた.薬剤の関連が推定された臨床検査値の異常は, 本研究では投与期間が短いせいもあり1例にみられたにすぎなかった.これは白血球が3, 700から2, 200/mm3に減少したものであった.全体をみれば, OFLXの1日300 mgおよび600 mg投与による急性単純性膀胱炎の治療には高い安全性が確認されたと考えた
Ofloxacin (OFLX) was administered to 236 female patients with acute cystitis. Of them 164 patients who satisfied the criteria proposed by the UTI Committee, Japan were examined for the efficacy of the treatment, but all cases were included in the study of the side effects of the drug. In the 65 patients who received 300 mg (3 divided doses) of OFLX per day, the overall clinical efficacy was excellent in 66.2% and moderate in 33.8% of the patients. In the 99 patients who received 600 mg (3 divided doses) of OFLX per day, the overall clinical efficacy was excellent in 79% (P less than 0.076) and moderate in 18.2% of the patients. No failure of the treatment was observed in the two groups. Of 164 bacterial strains isolated from the urine of the patients, 132 strains were identified as E. coli. All bacterial strains were eradicated in the urinary specimens by the treatment. Subjective side effects were observed in 8 (3.4%) of the 236 patients. Gastrointestinal disturbance was complained by 6 patients. No drug-related aggravation in the laboratory test was observed except for one patient who showed mild leukopenia reduced from 3700/mm3 to 2200/mm3. These results showed that the oral administration of OFLX was excellent and satisfactory in the treatment for acute cystitis.
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