The Current State and lssues Concerning Special Support Education Supporters : From a Questionnaire Survey of Special Support Education Supporters

Autor: TAKEDA, Atsushi, SAITO, Takashi, ARAI, Toshihiko, JIN, Tsuneo
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要. 33:189-193
ISSN: 1344-9214
Popis: 特別支援教育が本格的にスタートし,教育現場は今,大きな転換期にある.これまで特別な支援の対象とされてこなかった通常の学級で学ぶ発達障害の児童生徒に対しても適切な支援が求められている.これらの児童生徒への支援を充実させるために「特別支援教育支援員」を活用した事業が全国的に展開されてきている.しかしこの事業はまだ始まったばかりで,特別支援教育支援員の具体的な役割や担任教師との連携のあり方,効果的な研修のあり方等について,まだ試行錯誤の段階にある.そこで本研究では,これまで特別支援教育支援員として実際に児童生徒の支援にあたったことのある人を対象に,支援活動を行う中でどのような困難や要望を抱いているかについて,自由記述によるアンケート調査を実施した.記述された内容をKJ法に準じて整理した結果,特別支援教育支援員のニーズは「教師との連携」,「支援のあり方」,「苦悩」の3つにカテゴリー化された.これらの結果をもとに,今後の課題が検討された.
The special support education system started, and schools are facing a major turning point. School children with developmental disorders who had attended normal classes and who were excluded from the special support program in the past must now be given appropriate support. In the drive to upgrade support to these children, programs mobilizing “special support education supporters” are in operation across Japan. However, these programs have just started and are still in the phases of exploring into issues, such as the definite functions that these supporters are to play, how they are to coordinate activities with schoolteachers in charge of such children, what should be done for effective supporter training, etc. For this reason, a questionnaire survey consisting of open-ended questions was conducted on special support education supporters, regarding what problems and needs they find in engaging in support activities. The responses were organized with the KJ method, and the needs of the supporters were classified into 3 categories, namely, “coordination of action with schoolteachers,” “direction in support policy” and “difficulties.” The issues to be addressed in the future were examined, based on the findings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE