
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: 保健学研究 = Health science research. 21(2):35-42
ISSN: 1881-4441
Popis: 病院に就職した新人助産師の職場適応プロセスを明らかにする目的で,A病院に新卒で就職した新人助産師3名を対象に,質問紙法及び半構成面接法を用いて調査を行った. 新人助産師は就職後早い時期から予期せぬ苦痛を経験していたが,7ヵ月目にはこれらの苦痛は軽減していた. 新人助産師の職場適応プロセスは,【現実と自己認識】【知覚】【コーピング】【他者との関り】【職業モデル】【助産師としてのアイデンティティー】【適応と向上心】の7つのカテゴリーで構成されていた. 新人助産師は,【現実】に直面して仕事に対する【自己認識】を行い,その一方で不安や戸惑いを【知覚】する.しかし,【他者との関わり】や【職業モデル】の存在によって【コーピング】能力を高め,職場に【適応】し,【向上心】が喚起される.この過程の中で【助産師としてのアイデンティティー】も形成されていた. カテゴリーは重複しながら変化し,新人助産師は約7ヵ月をかけて職場に適応していくと考えられた.
With the aim of clarifying the process of work adjustment among new hospital midwives, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were conducted on 3 newly graduated midwives working at hospital A. In the early days after beginning work, new midwives experienced unforeseen difficulties, but these had eased by their 7th month of employment. The work adjustment process of new midwives comprised 7 categories: ‘reality and self-awareness’, ‘perception’, ‘coping’, ‘involvement with others’, ‘role model’, ‘identity as a midwife’ and ‘adaptation and ambition’. New midwives faced ‘reality’ and exercised ‘self-awareness’ with regard to their work, while conversely ‘perceiving’ uncertainty and confusion. However, through ‘involvement with others’ and existence of a ‘role model’, their ‘coping’ ability increased, they ‘adapted’ to the work and ‘ambition’ was roused. During this process, their ‘identity as a midwife’ was formed. The present findings suggest that there is an overlap of categories as change progresses, and that new midwives adjust to their work in approximately 7 months.
Databáze: OpenAIRE