Clinical statistical investigation of perioperative oral car in Shiga University of Medical Science Hospital (2022)

Autor: TAKEDA, Yuzou, KOSHINUMA, Shinya, NAKAGAWA, Suzuko, NAMURA, Mayuko, SEKIGUCHI, Kanako, WAKAMURA, Yukou, MORI, Toshio, MACHIDA, Yoshisato, YAMORI, Masashi, MOCHIDUKI, Mikiyo, URUSHITANI, Makoto, Yamamoto, Gaku
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: 滋賀医科大学雑誌. 36(1):58-64
Popis: 滋賀医科大学医学部附属病院歯科口腔外科では2014年より, 周術期患者の口腔機能管理を目的とした「オーラルマネジメントシステム」を稼働した. 2015年には, 患者に快適, 安心, 安全な周術期医療を提供することを目的として, 多職種からなる「周術期チーム」が発足し, 当科はチームの一員として口腔機能管理を担っている. 今回われわれは, 2015年4月1日から2022年3月31日までの7年間の年度毎の全身麻酔手術件数, 周術期口腔機能管理依頼件数の推移と周術期口腔機能管理依頼率(1年間の全身麻酔手術件数に対する周術期口腔機能管理依頼件数の割合), 依頼件数の多かった診療科について臨床的検討を行った. 当院の2021年度の全身麻酔手術件数は4158件, 依頼件数は1931件, 依頼率は46.3%であり, オーラルマネジメントシステムを導入した2015年度より年々増加を認めていた. 診療科毎の依頼件数は消化器外科, 耳鼻咽喉科が多かった. 当科の院内啓蒙活動や周術期口腔機能管理により術後合併症のリスクが低下する報告が増えたことにより, 医科の周術期口腔機能管理の認知が高まり, 依頼件数, 依頼率の増加につながったと考える. 診療科毎の依頼件数に関しては, 歯科口腔領域と関係の深い診療科の依頼が多いと考えられた. 周術期チームが発足してから, 他職種連携は密となり, 依頼件数, 依頼率の増加を認めたが, 周術期口腔機能管理が, 術後合併症の予防を示すエビデンスはまだないため今後の課題と考えている.
The Department of Oral Surgery of Shiga University Hospital launched the "Oral Management System" for the purpose of managing oral functions of perioperative patients, in 2014. "Perioperative team" consisting of members from various professions was established in 2015, with the aim of providing comfortable, safe, and secure perioperative care to patients. Our department is responsible for the management of oral functions. In this study, we conducted a clinical review of the number of general anesthesia cases per year, the number of requests for perioperative oral function management, the rate of requests for perioperative oral function management (the ratio of the number of requests for perioperative oral function management to the number of general anesthesia cases per year), and the departments with high number of requests for perioperative oral function management during the seven years from April 1, 2015, to March 31, 2022. The number of general anesthesia surgeries in our hospital in 2021 was 4158, and the number of requests was 1931, for a request rate of 46.3%. The number of requests had been increasing every year since 2015, when the oral management system was introduced. The number of requests per department was higher in the departments of gastroenterological surgery and otorhinolaryngology. The number of requests and the request rate increased. Because we consider that the awareness of perioperative oral functional management in the medical department has increased due to our hospital's educational activities and an increase in the number of reports showing that perioperative oral function management reduced postoperative complications. After the perioperative team was established, the collaboration among other departments became closer, and the number of requests and the request rate increased. However, there is still no evidence that perioperative oral function management prevents postoperative complications, and this is an issue for the future.
Databáze: OpenAIRE