Relationship between Body Fat Percentage and Body Condition Score in Dogs

Autor: Fujiro , Sakurai, Momoko , Matsui, Yuka , Tabata, Natsuki , Tsuzita, Mami, Shimada, Ron動物病院
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science. 7:43-47
Popis: Body condition score (BCS) is assigned on the 5-point scale which is based on visual inspectiion of dogs. This is one of the most common methods in veterinary clinical. Body fat percentage is obtained by bioelectric device (BID) to evaluate bioelectric impedance of body composition. To estimate the relationship between the body condition score and the body fat percentage, physical examination records for nineteen healthy family dogs kept by TUS students were conducted. . With simple regression analysis a significant relationship was found between BCS and body fat percentage (r=0.489,P
Databáze: OpenAIRE