The Breeding Process and Characteristics of Carnation‘Karen Rouge’with Resistance to Bacterial Wilt

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 花き研究所研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Institute of Floricultural Science. 10:1-10
ISSN: 1347-2917
Popis: Bacterial wilt caused by Burkholderia caryophylli is one of the most serious diseases of carnation cultivation in Japan. Therefore, we initiated a breeding program for resistance to bacterial wilt in 1988. We conducted continuous crossings and selections for bacterial wilt resistance to develop a carnation having the resistance derived from Dianthus capitatus ssp. andrzejowskianus. 'Karen Rouge' is the first practical carnation cultivar resistant to bacterial wilt. The mean disease incidence of six resistance tests was 7.1% in 'Karen Rouge', which is clearly more resistant than 'Francesco' (87.0%) and 'Nora' (97.1%). The flower color is deep yellowish red (0707 : JHS color chart), almost the same as 'Francesco'. 'Karen Rouge' is a standard type cultivar having a flower diameter of 7.5 cm. The total number of cut flowers/plant is less than 'Francesco' but more than 'Nora'. 'Karen Rouge' has been developed by marker-assisted selection using STS-WG44 marker linked to a major QTL since 2004. To our knowledge, this is the first cultivar produced by marker-assisted selection in carnations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE