New species of Cercopithecoides from Haasgat, North West Province, South Africa

Autor: Jeffrey K. McKee, Kevin L. Kuykendall, Acacia von Mayer
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of Human Evolution. 60:83-93
ISSN: 0047-2484
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2010.08.002
Popis: Analyses of new cercopithecid fossil specimens from the South African site of Haasgat point to craniofacial affinities with the genus Cercopithecoides . Detailed metric and non-metric comparisons with South African Cercopithecoides williamsi , and other East African Cercopithecoides species, Cercopithecoides kimeui , Cercopithecoides meaveae , Cercopithecoides kerioensis , and Cercopithecoides alemyehui demonstrate that the Haasgat fossils have distinct craniofacial morphology and dental metrics. Specifically, material from Haasgat probably represents one of the smaller Cercopithecoides , differing from the others in its particular suite of features that vary within the genus. It is unique in its more vertical ramus, associated with a relatively lengthened mandibular body. Haasgat Cercopithecoides has a particularly narrow interorbital region between relatively larger ovoid orbits, with articulation of the maxillary bones at a suture above the triangular nasal bones. Furthermore, the maxillary arcade is more rounded than other Cercopithecoides , converging at the M 2 and M 3 . The conclusion drawn from this analysis is that the Pleistocene Haasgat fossils are colobines representing a distinct taxon of Cercopithecoides , Cercopithecoides haasgati , thus adding a second species of the genus to southern Africa.
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