Upconversion detection of 1.25 Gb/s mid-infrared telecommunications using a silicon avalanche photodiode

Autor: Pete Smith, James C. Gates, Alan C. Gray, Lewis G. Carpenter, Sam A. Berry, Corin B. E. Gawith
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Optics express. 28(23)
ISSN: 1094-4087
Popis: With an ever-increasing interest in secure and reliable free-space optical communication, upconversion detectors enabled through nonlinear optical processes are an attractive route to transmitting data as a mid-infrared signal. This spectral region is known to have a higher transmissivity through the atmosphere. In this work, we present an upconversion scheme for detection in the silicon absorption band using magnesium-oxide doped periodically poled lithium niobate to generate 21 mW of a 3.4 µm signal from commercial laser sources using a difference frequency generation process. Following a further nonlinear frequency conversion, via sum-frequency generation, the resulting signal at 809 nm is detected. We achieve >50 µW of signal and bit error rates of 10−7 from a single-pass nonlinear conversion for both the transmitter and receiver systems without the need for additional optical amplifiers at the receiving end. The error rates due to potentially reduced laser powers at the receiver end are investigated and laser noise transfer through our system is discussed.
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