Pretreatment of willow using the alkaline-catalyzed sulfolane/water solution for high-purity and antioxidative lignin production

Autor: Xingxiang Ji, Jiachuan Chen, Jianzhen Mao, Gaojin Lyu, Feng Xu, Weikun Jiang, Lei Zhong, Chao Wang, Chang Geun Yoo, Miaomiao Xu, Guihua Yang, Lupeng Shao
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 159:287-294
ISSN: 0141-8130
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.05.074
Popis: In this study, an alkaline-catalyzed sulfolane/water solvent system was developed for isolating high-purity and antioxidative lignin from willow (Salix matsudana cv. Zhuliu). Optimization of the pretreatment conditions such as temperature, sulfolane/water ratio, and alkaline catalyst (NaOH) dosage were comprehensively investigated for effective lignin extraction from willow. The 44.4% of lignin was recovered from the biomass with 54% of delignification in 50/50 (w/w) sulfolane/water system at 170 °C. As the addition of the alkaline catalyst (NaOH) increased to 4%, the delignification yield was increased up to 94% with about 70% of lignin recovery yield. The recovered lignin was comparatively investigated with its control, milled wood lignin (MWL). The β-O-4 linkages and phenolic hydroxyl were well preserved in the extracted lignin fractions with the sulfolane/water system. Furthermore, excellent radical scavenging ability was observed with the extracted lignins by sulfolane/water pretreatments owing to rich phenolic hydroxyl groups in the lignins. Hence, systematical investigation on the lignin properties and potential applications under sulfolane organosolv pretreatment would promote the utilization of lignin in biorefinery processes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE