TIRF Microscopy‐Based Monitoring of Drug Permeation Across a Lipid Membrane Supported on Mesoporous Silica

Autor: Paul Joyce, Shakhawath Hossain, Per Larsson, Christel A. S. Bergström, Silver Jõemetsa, Simon Isaksson, Fredrik Höök
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
total internal reflection fluorescence
02 engineering and technology
010402 general chemistry
01 natural sciences
Cell membrane
03 medical and health sciences
Membrane Lipids
Pharmaceutical Sciences
membrane permeation
mesoporous silica
Lipid bilayer
030304 developmental biology
0303 health sciences
Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope
010405 organic chemistry
General Chemistry
General Medicine
Mesoporous silica
021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology
Silicon Dioxide
supported lipid bilayer
Farmaceutiska vetenskaper
0104 chemical sciences

Pharmaceutical Preparations
Drug delivery
drug delivery
membrane permation
Mesoporous material
0210 nano-technology
Drug Delivery
Zdroj: Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
Popis: There is an urgent demand for analytic approaches that enable precise and representative quantification of the transport of biologically active compounds across cellular membranes. In this study, we established a new means to monitor membrane permeation kinetics, using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy confined to a ≈500 nm thick mesoporous silica substrate, positioned underneath a planar supported cell membrane mimic. This way, we demonstrate spatiotemporally resolved membrane permeation kinetics of a small‐molecule model drug, felodipine, while simultaneously controlling the integrity of, and monitoring the drug binding to, the cell membrane mimic. By contrasting the permeation behaviour of pure felodipine with felodipine coupled to the permeability enhancer caprylate (C8), we provide evidence for C8‐facilitated transport across lipid membranes, thus validating the potential for this approach to successfully quantify carrier system‐induced changes to cellular membrane permeation.
A unique angle: A new approach for monitoring the real‐time permeation of drug molecules, from the bulk phase, across a lipid membrane was established by supporting a lipid bilayer on mesoporous silica thin films. Through the use of TIRF microscopy, the angle of incidence of illumination light could be controlled to ensure the resulting evanescence was restricted within the thin film, and thus, only drug permeating the bilayer was resolved.
Databáze: OpenAIRE