Globular structures in roots accumulate phosphorus to extremely high concentrations following phosphorus addition

Autor: A. Harvey Millar, Gabriel Keeble-Gagnère, Tatsuhiro Ezawa, Hayato Maruyama, Olivier Van Aken, Parwinder Kaur, Peta L. Clode, Nazanin K. Nazeri, Ronald J. Smernik, Hans Lambers, Rudi Appels, Megan H. Ryan, Ashlea L. Doolette, Dion Nicol
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Plant, Cell & Environment. 42:1987-2002
ISSN: 1365-3040
Popis: Crops with improved uptake of fertilizer phosphorus (P) would reduce P losses and confer environmental benefits. We examined how P-sufficient 6-week-old soil-grown Trifolium subterraneum plants, and 2-week-old seedlings in solution culture, accumulated P in roots after inorganic P (Pi) addition. In contrast to our expectation that vacuoles would accumulate excess P, after 7 days, X-ray microanalysis showed that vacuolar [P] remained low (3,000 mmol kg −1 ), potassium, magnesium, and sodium. Similar structures were evident in seedlings, both before and after P addition, with their [P] increasing threefold after P addition. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy showed seedling roots accumulated Pi following P addition, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed large plastids. For seedlings, we demonstrated that roots differentially expressed genes after P addition using RNAseq mapped to the T. subterraneum reference genome assembly and transcriptome profiles. Among the most up-regulated genes after 4 hr was TSub_g9430.t1, which is similar to plastid envelope Pi transporters (PHT4;1, PHT4;4): expression of vacuolar Pi-transporter homologs did not change. We suggest that subcellular P accumulation in globular structures, which may include plastids, aids cytosolic Pi homeostasis under high-P availability.
Databáze: OpenAIRE