An Abnormal Fibrinogen with Delayed Fibrinopeptide A Release

Autor: L. P. J. Holt, David A. Lane, J. E. MacIver, Vijay V. Kakkar, M. VanRoss, J. Bottomley, K. Dhir
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: British Journal of Haematology. 46:89-98
ISSN: 0007-1048
Popis: Summary. Investigation of the family of a patient presenting with haematuria revealed seven cases in three generations showing a prolonged thrombin clotting time. A dysfibrinogenaemia was confirmed when purified fibrinogen from an affected member of the family was shown to also exhibit a prolonged thrombin clotting time. No molecular abnormality could be demonstrated using electrophor-etic and immunological techniques. However, using a specific radioimmunoassay to fibrinopeptide A a major defect has been localized to a delay in the rate of release of this peptide by thrombin when the abnormal fibrinogen is converted to fibrin. This case of dysfibrinogenaemia has been tentatively designated fibrinogen Manchester.
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