SDF-1α is a novel autocrine activator of platelets operating through its receptor CXCR4

Autor: Alastair W. Poole, Matthew T. Harper, Tony G. Walsh
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Cellular Signalling
ISSN: 1873-3913
Popis: Platelets store and secrete the chemokine stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1α upon platelet activation, but the ability of platelet-derived SDF-1α to signal in an autocrine/paracrine manner mediating functional platelet responses relevant to thrombosis and haemostasis is unknown. We sought to explore the role of platelet-derived SDF-1α and its receptors, CXCR4 and CXCR7 in facilitating platelet activation and determine the mechanism facilitating SDF-1α-mediated regulation of platelet function. Using human washed platelets, CXCR4 inhibition, but not CXCR7 blockade significantly abrogated collagen-mediated platelet aggregation, dense granule secretion and thromboxane (Tx) A2 production. Time-dependent release of SDF-1α from collagen-activated platelets supports a functional role for SDF-1α in this regard. Using an in vitro whole blood perfusion assay, collagen-induced thrombus formation was substantially reduced with CXCR4 inhibition. In washed platelets, recombinant SDF-1α in the range of 20–100 ng/mL− 1 could significantly enhance platelet aggregation responses to a threshold concentration of collagen. These enhancements were completely dependent on CXCR4, but not CXCR7, which triggered TxA2 production and dense granule secretion. Rises in cAMP were significantly blunted by SDF-1α, which could also enhance collagen-mediated Ca(2 +) mobilisation, both of which were mediated by CXCR4. This potentiating effect of SDF-1α primarily required TxA2 signalling acting upstream of dense granule secretion, whereas blockade of ADP signalling could only partially attenuate SDF-1α-induced platelet activation. Therefore, this study supports a potentially novel autocrine/paracrine role for platelet-derived SDF-1α during thrombosis and haemostasis, through a predominantly TxA2-dependent and ADP-independent pathway.
Highlights • Collagen-induced platelet aggregation, TxA2 production and dense granule secretion require CXCR4 signalling. • CXCR4 regulates platelet thrombus formation. • SDF-1α-induced changes in cAMP and Ca(2 +) signalling require CXCR4. • SDF-1α, via CXCR4, enhances platelet activation responses to collagen, primarily through a TxA2-dependent and ADP-independent pathway.
Databáze: OpenAIRE