A note on large automorphism groups of compact Riemann surfaces

Autor: Sebastián Reyes-Carocca, Milagros Izquierdo
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1811.08371
Popis: Belolipetsky and Jones classified those compact Riemann surfaces of genus $g$ admitting a large group of automorphisms of order $\lambda (g-1)$, for each $\lambda >6,$ under the assumption that $g-1$ is a prime number. In this article we study the remaining large cases; namely, we classify Riemann surfaces admitting $5(g-1)$ and $6(g-1)$ automorphisms, with $g-1$ a prime number. As a consequence, we obtain the classification of Riemann surfaces admitting a group of automorphisms of order $3(g-1)$, with $g-1$ a prime number. We also provide isogeny decompositions of their Jacobian varieties.
Comment: 12 pages, To appear in Journal of Algebra
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