Principal physics developments evaluated in the ITER design review

Autor: G. D. Loesser, G. J. Kramer, V. Riccardo, Roscoe White, B.E. Nelson, Raffaele Albanese, M.J. Schaffer, Christian Bachmann, V. Chuyanov, A. Kavin, A. C. C. Sips, Eric Nardon, M. Sugihara, J. J. Cordier, P. Heitzenroeder, M. Wykes, A. Brooks, E. Tsitrone, P. R. Thomas, R. Pearce, G. Saibene, N. Holtkamp, G. Johnson, Yunfeng Liang, Abhijit Sen, J. Urano, J. Johner, Y. Gribov, K. Ioki, D.G. Whyte, T.A. Casper, J.C. Wesley, Roberto Ambrosino, Jonathan Menard, G. Federici, M. R. Wade, M. Becoulet, David Campbell, Todd Evans, Ian H. Hutchinson, A. Mineev, Raffi Nazikian, L. Garzotti, R.A. Pitts, I.S. Landman, I. Benfatto, C. Neumeyer, S. Maruyama, Jong-Kyu Park, S. Wu, J. Roth, David Humphreys, Bruce Lipschultz, M.E. Fenstermacher, Peter Lang, G. Sannazzaro, Robert Budny, Michiya Shimada, Mario Merola, Alfredo Portone, Larry R. Baylor, Yutaka Kamada, Massimiliano Mattei, C.E. Kessel, V.E. Lukash, Neil Mitchell, G. Janeschitz, E. J. Doyle, P. B. Snyder, J.M. Bialek, R. J. Hawryluk, A. Kukushkin, C.H. Skinner, A. Loarte, M. Valovic, T.C. Luce, C. Lowry, S.A. Sabbagh, M. Cavinato, Leonid E. Zakharov, Jochen Linke, M. Okabayashi, R. R. Khayrutdinov, Allen H. Boozer, P.H. Rebut, H. Fujieda, A. R. Polevoi, D.A. Gates, T. C. Hender, K. Gál, Am Garofalo, E. J. Strait, R.D. Stambaugh, K. Lackner
Přispěvatelé: Hawryluk, R. J., Campbell, D. J., Janeschitz, G., Thomas, P. R., Albanese, R., Ambrosino, R., Bachmann, C., Baylor, L., Becoulet, M., Benfatto, I., Bialek, J., Boozer, A., Brooks, A., Budny, R., Casper, T., Cavinato, M., Cordier, J. -J., Chuyanov, V., Doyle, E., Evans, T., Federici, G., Fenstermacher, M., Fujieda, H., G'Al, K., Garofalo, A., Garzotti, L., Gates, D., Gribov, Y., Heitzenroeder, P., Hender, T. C., Holtkamp, N., Humphreys, D., Hutchinson, I., Ioki, K., Johner, J., Johnson, G., Kamada, Y., Kavin, A., Kessel, C., Khayrutdinov, R., Kramer, G., Kukushkin, A., Lackner, K., Landman, I., Lang, P., Liang, Y., Linke, J., Lipschultz, B., Loarte, A., Loesser, G. D., Lowry, C., Luce, T., Lukash, V., Maruyama, S., Mattei, M., Menard, J., Merola, M., Mineev, A., Mitchell, N., Nardon, E., Nazikian, R., Nelson, B., Neumeyer, C., Park, J. -K., Pearce, R., Pitts, R. A., Polevoi, A., Portone, A., Okabayashi, M., Rebut, P. H., Riccardo, V., Roth, J., Sabbagh, S., Saibene, G., Sannazzaro, G., Schaffer, M., Shimada, M., Sen, A., Sips, A., Skinner, C. H., Snyder, P., Stambaugh, R., Strait, E., Sugihara, M., Tsitrone, E., Urano, J., Valovic, M., Wade, M., Wesley, J., White, R., Whyte, D. G., Wu, S., Wykes, M., Zakharov, L., Albanese, Raffaele, Ambrosino, Giuseppe, Cordier, J. J., Park, J. K., Hawryluk, R., Campbell, D., Thomas, P., Cordier, J., Hender, T., Loesser, G., Mattei, Massimiliano, Park, J., Pitts, R., Rebut, P., Skinner, C., Whyte, D.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: As part of the ITER Design Review and in response to the issues identified by the Science and Technology Advisory Committee, the ITER physics requirements were reviewed and as appropriate updated. The focus of this paper will be on recent work affecting the ITER design with special emphasis on topics affecting near-term procurement arrangements. This paper will describe results on: design sensitivity studies, poloidal field coil requirements, vertical stability, effect of toroidal field ripple on thermal confinement, material choice and heat load requirements for plasma-facing components, edge localized modes control, resistive wall mode control, disruptions and disruption mitigation. © 2009 IAEA, Vienna.
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