Circumnavigating misfolding traps in the energy landscape through protein engineering: suppression of molten globule and aggregation in carbonic anhydrase

Autor: Uno Carlsson, Lars-Göran Mårtensson, Martin Karlsson, Patrik Olofsson
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Biochemistry. 43(21)
ISSN: 0006-2960
Popis: The native state of the enzyme human carbonic anhydrase (HCA II) has been stabilized by the introduction of a disulfide bond, the oxidized A23C/L203C mutant. This stabilized protein variant undergoes an apparent two-state unfolding process with suppression of the otherwise stable equilibrium, molten-globule intermediate, which is normally very prone to aggregation. Stopped-flow measurements also showed that lower amounts of the transiently occurring molten globule were formed during refolding. This led to a markedly lowered tendency for aggregation during equilibrium denaturing conditions and, more importantly, to significantly higher reactivation yields upon refolding of the fully denatured protein. Thus, a general strategy to circumvent aggregation during the refolding of proteins could be to stabilize the native state of a protein at the expense of partially folded intermediates, thereby shifting the unfolding behavior from a three-state process to a two-state one.
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