Comparison of crown damage assessment on analog and digital infrared color (CIR) aerial photographs

Autor: Kolić, Jelena, Pernar, Renata, Seletković, Ante, Samaržija, Mirna, Ančić, Mario
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Šumarski list
Volume 146
Issue 5-6
ISSN: 1846-9140
DOI: 10.31298/sl.146.5-6.2
Popis: Negativne posljedice propadanja šuma nastoje se umanjiti provođenjem gospodarskih mjera i praćenjem zdravstvenog stanja stabala, odnosno procjenom oštećenosti krošanja. Utvrđivanje zdravstvenog stanja šuma provodi se, osim terestričkim načinom, i metodama daljinskih istraživanja – interpretacijom infracrvenih kolornih (ICK) aerosnimaka. Inventarizacija oštećenosti šuma pomoću aerosnimaka temelji se na ustanovljavanju stupnja oštećenosti pojedinačnih stabala (krošanja), uz kvalitetno izrađen fotointerpretacijski ključ. Na temelju provedene fotointerpretacije infracrvenih kolornih (ICK) aerosnimaka, mogu se odrediti pouzdani statistički podaci o oštećenosti šuma. Inventarizacije oštećenosti šuma na ICK aerosnimkama do sada su se provodile fotointerpretacijom analognih aerosnimaka na analitičkim stereoinstrumentima. Napretkom tehnologije analogne snimke su zamijenjene digitalnim, analitički stereoinstrumenti - digitalnim fotogrametrijskim stanicama, a interpretacija se obavlja u programu na zaslonu računala. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti rezultate procjene oštećenosti krošanja na analognim i digitalnim ICK aerosnimkama istoga područja, zbog čega je bilo potrebno aerosnimke iz 1989. godine skeniranjem prevesti u digitalni oblik, te digitalne snimke iz 2008. godine prevesti u analogni oblik.Za dio gospodarskih jedinica Josip Kozarac i Opeke, provedena je interpretacija analognih i digitalnih aerosnimaka iz dva perioda snimanja (1989. i 2008. godina). Na svakoj točki rastera 100x100 m procijenjena su 4 najbliža stabla (krošnje) te izračunati pokazatelji oštećenosti (O, SO, IO, SO1) za pojedine vrste drveća, za sve interpretirane vrste zajedno, po prugama snimanja, te ukupno za područje istraživanja. Na temelju izračunatih pokazatelja oštećenosti, dobivenih interpretacijom analognih i digitalnih snimaka iz 1989., te 2008. godine, utvrđeno je da između rezultata ne postoji značajna razlika s obzirom na procjenu zdravstvenog stanja stabala (oštećenosti krošanja).Time su poboljšane postojeće metode procjene zdravstvenoga stanja i ukazano na mogućnosti primjene digitalnih ICK aerosnimaka u šumarstvu.
Efforts to mitigate negative consequences of massive forest dieback include the implementation of economic measures, monitoring the health status of individual trees i.e. assessment of crown damage. Apart from terrestrial methods, forest health is also determined with remote sensing methods, which involve interpretation of color infrared (CIR) aerial photographs. The inventory of forest damage by using aerial photography is based on the establishment of the degree of damage to individual trees (crowns) using a well-designed photo interpretation key. Reliable statistical data of forest damage can be obtained on the basis of photo interpretation of CIR aerial photography.Inventories of forest damage have so far been conducted with photo interpretation of analog aerial photographs on analytical stereo instruments. With the advancement of technology, analog images have been replaced by digital and analytical stereo instruments – by digital photogrammetric workstations, and interpretation is done on the computer screen.The main goal of the research was to compare the results of crown damage assessment on analog and digital ICK aerial photographs of the same area, which is why it was necessary to convert aerial photographs from 1989 by scanning into digital form, and convert digital images from 2008 into analog form.Analog and digital aerial photographs from two recording periods (1989 and 2008) were interpreted for a part of the management units Josip Kozarac and Opeke. At each point of a 100x100 m grid, 4 nearest trees (crowns) were estimated and damage indicators (damage-O, mean damage-SO, damage index-IO, mean damage1-SO1) were calculated for individual tree species, for all the interpreted species together, per surveying strips, and for the total research area.On the basis of calculated damage indicators obtained by interpreting analog and digital images from 1989 and 2008, it was found that there was no statistically significant difference between the results in terms of tree health assessment.The conducted research improved the existing methods of assessing the health status of individual trees and stands, and pointed out the possibilities of applying digital CIR aerial photographs in forestry.
Databáze: OpenAIRE