Matrix Operators on the Absolute Euler space $\left\vert E_{\phi }^{r}\right\vert (\mu)$

Autor: Fadime GÖKÇE
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Volume: 14, Issue: 1 117-123
Turkish Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
ISSN: 2148-1830
Popis: In recent paper, the space $ \left\vert E_{\phi}^{r}\right\vert (\mu)$ which is the generalization of the absolute Euler Space on the space $l(\mu)$, has been introduced and studied by Gökçe and Sarıgöl [3]. In this study, we give certain characterizations of matrix transformations from the paranormed space $ \left\vert E_{\phi}^{r}\right\vert (\mu)$ to one of the classical sequence spaces $c_{0},c,l_{\infty }.$ Also, we show that such matrix operators are bounded linear operators.
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