Impact of symptomatic vitreous degeneration on photopic and mesopic contrast thresholds

Autor: Emmanuel Ankamah, Warren Roche, Marina Green-Gomez, Ulrich Welge-Lüßen, Eugene Ng, John M. Nolan, Thomas Kaercher, John L. Barbur
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Clinicalexperimental optometry. 105(6)
ISSN: 1444-0938
Popis: CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Contrast thresholds under photopic and mesopic luminance conditions are compromised in subjects with vitreous degeneration. A plausible explanation is needed for the visual discomfort expressed by patients suffering from symptomatic vitreous degeneration. \ud \ud BACKGROUND: The current study investigates the effect of symptomatic vitreous degeneration on photopic and mesopic contrast at high spatial frequencies. \ud \ud METHODS: An age-matched sample of 115 subjects, comprising 30 subjects with symptomatic vitreous floaters (cases) and 85 healthy subjects (controls), was included in this study. Visual acuity and flicker thresholds were measured for all participants. Photopic and mesopic functional contrast thresholds at 10 cycles per degree were measured for all participants to assess the effect of floaters on contrast. Further, to determine the effect of posterior vitreous detachment on contrast, the sample was divided into three groups: cases with posterior vitreous detachment (n = 12); cases without posterior vitreous detachment (n = 18); and controls (n = 85), and their contrast thresholds were compared. \ud \ud RESULTS: Photopic and mesopic contrast thresholds were lower by 37.4% and 27.5%, respectively, when the cases were compared with the controls (p = 0.028 and p
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