Characterization and Evaluation of Injectable Biodegradable Polymer Multimodality Radiologic Markers in an In Vivo Murine Model

Autor: Eliel Ben-David, Abraham J. Domb, Haixing Liao, Awanish Kumar, Issac Nissenbaum, Matthias Stechele, Peter Siman, Natalie Greenbaum, Naama Lev Cohain, S. Nahum Goldberg
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Biomacromolecules. 23:1672-1679
ISSN: 1526-4602
Popis: Biodegradable polymer clips as multidimensional soft tissue biopsy markers were developed with better biocompatibility and imaging features. Unlike the commercially available metallic biopsy markers, the developed polymer clips are temporary implants with similar efficacies as metal markers in imaging and detection and get absorbed within the body with time. Herein, we evaluate the degradation rate of three resorbable polymer-based marker compounds in an in vivo murine model. Three polymers, abbreviated as Polymer A (PLGA poly(lactic
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