Organic photodiodes: printing, coating, benchmarks, and applications

Autor: Gerardo Hernandez-Sosa, Noah Strobel, Uli Lemmer, Mervin Seiberlich, Ralph Eckstein
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Flexible and printed electronics, 4 (4), Art.Nr. 043001
ISSN: 2058-8585
DOI: 10.1088/2058-8585/ab56dd
Popis: Organic photodiodes (OPDs) are set to enhance traditional optical detection technologies and open new fields of applications, through the addition of functionalities such as wavelength tunability, mechanical flexibility, light-weight or transparency. This, in combination with printing and coating technology will contribute to the development of cost-effective production methods for optical detection systems. In this review, we compile the current progress in the development of OPDs fabricated with the help of industrial relevant coating and printing techniques. We review their working principle and their figures-of-merit (FOM) highlighting the top device performances through a comparison of material systems and processing approaches. We place particular emphasis in discussing methodologies, processing steps and architectural design that lead to improved FOM. Finally, we survey the current applications of OPDs in which printing technology have enabled technological developments while discussing future trends and needs for improvement.
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