'Les copains *dit au revoir' : on subject-verb agreement in L2 French and cross-linguistic influence

Autor: Isabelle Stabarin, Marie Eve Michot, Malin Ågren, Cyrille Granget, Sonia Gerolimich, Pascale Hadermann
Přispěvatelé: Unité de Recherche Interdisciplinaire Octogone-Lordat (Octogone-Lordat), Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès (UT2J), Granget, Cyrille, Applied Linguistics, Language and literature, Linguistics and Literary Studies, Brussels Institute for Applied Linguistics, Centre for Linguistics
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Languages, MDPI, 2020, 6 (1)
Languages, Vol 6, Iss 7, p 7 (2021)
Volume 6
Issue 1
ISSN: 2226-471X
Popis: This study focuses on the production of subject&ndash
verb (SV) agreement in number in L2 French and investigates the role of cross-linguistic influence (CLI) in this particular morphosyntactic domain. CLI is a well-known phenomenon in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research but it has rarely been investigated systematically in relation to SV agreement in French. The participants of the study are 114 learners with Italian, German, Dutch and Swedish as L1. The source languages are all inflectional languages but they vary in terms of morphological richness in the verb paradigm, ranging from very poor (Swedish) to very rich (Italian). The participants performed an oral narrative task contrasting singular and plural contexts of SV agreement. Results indicate a significant difference between L1 groups in terms of correct SV agreement but they also show that the overall presence of rich verb morphology in the L1 does not, on its own, result in a more correct SV agreement. It is when comparing learners at two different proficiency levels that we observe differences in the rate of L2 development, which may be explained as an effect of CLI. Overall, results indicate a complex interplay of different factors, where the role of CLI must be further investigated in future studies in relation to L2 French.
Databáze: OpenAIRE