Autor: N. V. Honhalo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Land management
Engineering ethics
Bachelor of Geodesy and Land Management
education in the field of Geodesy
educational professional program "Geodesy and Land Management"
program competences
professional competence
mathematical competence
the structure of mathematical competence
competence approach
Competence (human resources)
Zdroj: Zhytomyr Ivan Franko state university journal. Рedagogical sciences; № 3(102) (2020); 35-44
Czasopismo Żytomierskiego Państwowego Uniwersytetu imienia Iwana Franki; № 3(102) (2020); 35-44
Вестник Житомирского государственного университета имени Ивана Франко. Педагогические науки; № 3(102) (2020); 35-44
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка. Педагогічні науки; № 3(102) (2020); 35-44
ISSN: 2663-6387
Popis: It is hardly possible to reach the highest level of professional competence without forming the mathematical competence of Bachelors of Geodesy and Land Management. The success of the process of forming the mathematical competence of Bachelors of Geodesy and Land Management consists of determining the core and the structure of mathematical competence.The study aims to specify the content and the structure of the mathematical competence of Bachelors of Geodesy and Land Management.The stated objectives defined the direction of the research. Analysis of scientific literature has been carried out on the subject of the research. Our study identified and defined the main notions and concepts on which our research is based. The specifics of training Bachelors of Geodesy and Land Management on the basis of professional programs of higher educational institutions are studied, emphasis is placed on some legislative documents, which are the basis for professional programs of Geodesy and Land Management. The objectives of the professional activity and the occupational titles of the jobs have been defined, together with the professional training that these programs can target.The article defines the place and role of the discipline "Higher Mathematics" in the process of forming the mathematical competence of future specialists. The concept of "mathematical competence" for Bachelors of Geodesy and Land Management has been clarified. Investigating the features of professional training, we have identified and characterized the components of mathematical competence of Bachelors of Geodesy and Land Management, and established the link between them.The results of the study show that the level of mathematical competence formation of Bachelors of Geodesy and Land Management mainly affects both the process of study of specialized disciplines, and the formation of professional competence.The formation of mathematical competence of the future Bachelors of Geodesy and Land Management can be marked as a process of acquisition and formation of components of mathematical competence, which is characterized by the ability to solve theoretical and practical problems that are significant in professional activity.The further direction of research concerns clarifying the stages of technology of mathematical competence formation of Bachelors of Geodesy and Land Management.
Databáze: OpenAIRE