Traditional machine learning for limited angle tomography

Autor: Yixing Huang, Yanye Lu, Andreas Maier, Guenter Lauritsch, Oliver Taubmann
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery. 14(1)
ISSN: 1861-6429
Popis: The application of traditional machine learning techniques, in the form of regression models based on conventional, "hand-crafted" features, to artifact reduction in limited angle tomography is investigated.Mean-variation-median (MVM), Laplacian, Hessian, and shift-variant data loss (SVDL) features are extracted from the images reconstructed from limited angle data. The regression models linear regression (LR), multilayer perceptron (MLP), and reduced-error pruning tree (REPTree) are applied to predict artifact images.REPTree learns artifacts best and reaches the smallest root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 29 HU for the Shepp-Logan phantom in a parallel-beam study. Further experiments demonstrate that the MVM and Hessian features complement each other, whereas the Laplacian feature is redundant in the presence of MVM. In fan-beam, the SVDL features are also beneficial. A preliminary experiment on clinical data in a fan-beam study demonstrates that REPTree can reduce some artifacts for clinical data. However, it is not sufficient as a lot of incorrect pixel intensities still remain in the estimated reconstruction images.REPTree has the best performance on learning artifacts in limited angle tomography compared with LR and MLP. The features of MVM, Hessian, and SVDL are beneficial for artifact prediction in limited angle tomography. Preliminary experiments on clinical data suggest that the investigation on more features is necessary for clinical applications of REPTree.
Databáze: OpenAIRE