Dye-impregnated paper strips for staining bacteria

Autor: Harry R. Elston, Herbert J. Quigley
Rok vydání: 1973
Zdroj: American journal of clinical pathology. 60(4)
ISSN: 0002-9173
Popis: Paper strips impregnated with stains and chemicals for bacterial staining (Gugol Scientific Corporation, distributed by Wampole Laboratories) were evaluated. The quality of staining 100 Gram-positive and 80 Gram-negative microorganisms was compared with Hucker's modification. Over-decolorization of strip-stained Gram-positive organisms was the most frequent cause of inconsistency. Paper strip “acid-fast” stain was compared with the Ziehl-Neelsen technic for 90 mycobacteria and nine Nocardia strains. Mycobacteria and Nocardia were consistently well stained by the paper strip technic; however, Nocardia were not stained by the true acid-fast method. Ninety-five clinical smears, stripstained by physicians on the wards, were evaluated. Ease of performance and stability of reagents make the paper strip technics practical for use in clinics, wards, and small bncteriologic laboratories.
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