The francis report – implications for oral care of the elderly

Autor: M Petrina Sweeney, Nicholas Beacher
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Dental Update. 42:318-323
ISSN: 2515-589X
DOI: 10.12968/denu.2015.42.4.318
Popis: Oral health is an essential, yet often neglected, aspect of care in the elderly population. A mouth free of pain and disease which is functional, comfortable and aesthetic improves quality of life. Following the shocking reports of patient neglect and abuse published in the Francis Report, the dental profession must acknowledge that there are longstanding deficiencies in the provision of oral healthcare for the elderly, whether residing in care homes, hospitals or at home with support. It must be a universal goal to improve the care provision for this population through developing a greater understanding and overcoming the multi-factorial barriers to care. This article will highlight the key features of the Francis Report and its significance in the context of oral healthcare provision for the elderly. Clinical Relevance: To provide insight into the oral healthcare needs of the growing elderly population and the necessity of dealing with the current limitations in service provision.
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