Usage of Internet in the Process of Education

Autor: Radovan Antonijevic
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Open Journal for Information Technology
Open Journal for Information Technology, Vol 1, Iss 2, Pp 37-42 (2018)
ISSN: 2620-0627
DOI: 10.32591/coas.ojit.0102.02037a
Popis: The Internet represents unavoidable source for different knowledge and information, for using in professional and personal learning purposes. Based on this fact, accessibility, richness and diversity of the contents in each domain make the key characteristics of the Internet. By the development of the Internet, a new phenomenon is included in the field of education, phenomenon of learning via Web, or online learning. Besides different models of learning applied in the process of institutional education, learning via Web offers opportunities for purposeful and systematic enrichment of the process of education, which can significantly enable higher level of students’ achievement quality in any field of teaching and learning. However, all contents of the Internet has no the same importance for the process of education. For example, contents exposed by scientific and educational institutions have scientific and educational basement in the same time, as their inner essential characteristics. The other different contents, transferred on the Internet by the other institutions and individuals, don’t possess necessarily scientific and educational basement and importance. In this work we will discuss the following characteristics of the Internet, significant for the process of education: (1) diversity of the Internet contents, (2) accessibility of information via Internet, (3) characteristics of the Internet communications, and (4) characteristics of the interactions via Internet.
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