Effect of nasal mometasone furoate on the nasal and nasopharyngeal flora

Autor: Fadlullah Aksoy, Burcu Sapmaz, Nevriye Gönüllü, Orhan Ozturan, Gülüm Ivgin Bayraktar, Yavuz Selim Yıldırım, Hasan Demirhan
Přispěvatelé: ÖZTURAN, ORHAN
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Auris Nasus Larynx. 39:180-185
ISSN: 0385-8146
Popis: Objective Mometasone furoate (MF) is one of the commonly used topical steroids, particularly for patients with allergic rhinitis. However, its effect on the colonization of bacteria that may cause superinfections by suppressing the local immunity is not known. Thus, we investigated the effect of MF use on the nasal and nasopharyngeal microbial flora. Materials and methods Swab samples were taken from 35 patients who required MF monotherapy, just before and after one month of the treatment. Samples were maintained in Stuart's medium. Each swab was transferred to 1 ml of a sterile saline solution, then into the standard agar. After incubation under 5% carbon dioxide at 37 °C, colony number was detected per ml. Results Colony counts of nasal or nasopharyngeal microbial flora did not show any statistically significant alteration with one month use of MF. However, an increase in potential pathogens as well as normal flora bacteria was determined in five of the patients and six patients acquired new nasopharyngeal potential pathogens, mostly Moraxella catarrhalis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus , following the use of MF. Conclusion The use of MF for one month did not statistically significantly change the nasal and nasopharyngeal flora. This study indicates that MF could be increase the colonization of the potential pathogens in some of the patients at the subclinical level particularly in the nasopharyngeal area.
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