Developing the emotional intelligence of senior preschoolers through various types and forms of social practice

Autor: Tatiana D. Savenkova
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: SHS Web of Conferences, Vol 117, p 01003 (2021)
ISSN: 2261-2424
Popis: The article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the author’s program for developing the emotional intelligence of senior preschoolers through various types and forms of social practice. Like other personality traits, the emotional intelligence of senior preschoolers manifests itself and develops in various types of social practice. One of the most widespread options is different joint activities with peers and adults. Joint activity with peers and adults based on more complex forms of interaction is regarded as the most accessible option for the social practice of children. The article presents a model of children’s emotional intelligence that serves as a basis of the author’s program of its development in senior preschoolers through various types and forms of social practice. The diagnostic assessment of the emotional intelligence of senior preschoolers was conducted with the use of the author’s methodology developed for teachers and psychologists of preschool educational organizations. Teachers of preschool educational organizations participated in the study as experts assessing the emotional intelligence of children. The results were determined based on the average values provided by each expert for each child and indicator. The study has demonstrated that an important condition for the effective development of the emotional intelligence of senior preschoolers is specially organized social practice based on the child’s gradual mastering of the basic components of social intelligence. To gradually improve the emotional intelligence of senior preschoolers, it is necessary to include them in more complex joint activities with peers and adults.
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