Effect of Frequency Response on Gas Turbine Generation: The Case of Afam VI Combine Cycle Power Plant

Autor: Gogo, Princewill Philip, D. C. Idoniboyeobu, S. L. Braide
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7861438
Popis: The active power output of gas turbines is not entirely determined by the governor response during frequency deviations of power network. Gas turbines innately show unmistakable recurrence reaction qualities in contrast with other regular simultaneous age advancements. Gas turbine has a problem of generating system inertia and droop in governor setting. System inertia and droop are the most dominant parameters that affect the system frequency response and grid instabilities attributed to large losses both to the machine and the grid system. Depending on the nature of the load, the system frequency will either increase or decrease due to system inertia and droop which are responsible for majority of the system's frequency response. This research is aimed at determining the effect of frequency response on gas turbines. The frequency response model is developed using MATLAB Simulink which is used in simulating low and high frequency response. Frequency response method is used for the analysis. The modeled network is subjected to test, to see the effect of the frequency response on gas turbine and the effect caused on the system under review. This analysis is in line with the design component. The system is put through a series of tests to determine the impact of the different frequencies on the gas turbine and how those impacts after the over system. Data are collected and displayed on tables and graphs. According to the findings, a large frequency departure value will be more likely to occur once additional Combined Circle Gas Turbine (CCGTs) are added to the system. As a result, the transmission system operators at the station ought to revaluate their frequency control strategies in the near future in order to prevent the loss of customers. Conclusion, this research work demonstrates that frequency response increased reliability and reduce cost.
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