Fixed partial denture or single-tooth implant restoration? Statistical considerations for sequencing and treatment

Autor: Thomas J Salinas, Michael S. Block, Avishai Sadan
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 62:2-16
ISSN: 0278-2391
Popis: The choice to replace a single missing tooth can be based on the primary decision that the restorability of the tooth is in doubt. Many teeth are decimated by incipient or recurrent caries, trauma, endodontic complications, or periodontal disease which requires extraction. It is our objective to familiarize the participant with literature comparing success rates of fixed partial dentures and single-tooth implant restorations and a repertoire of prosthodontic techniques used in replacement of single missing teeth with osseointegrated dental implants. The fixed partial denture (FPD) has been regarded as the standard of care for some time in replacement of single and multiple missing teeth. Many studies surveying long term survival have been compiled and analyzed to arrive at a generalized outcome. Most of these studies arrive at common conclusions. Studies surveying success of single-tooth implant-supported restorations are not comparably abundant nor survey for comparable time as those for FPDs. Although, many of the outcomes are statistical survival estimates such as Kaplan-Meier survival tables, implant restorations in partially dentate patients are a predictable means of tooth replacement. There are certain factors which make FPD more appropriate and conversely factors which make an implant restoration more appropriate. Indications and contraindications for each treatment scenario will also be reviewed based on the literature and clinical experience. It is hoped that the practitioner will be able to appropriately identify those cases in which either an FPD or an implant restoration is the appropriate treatment option.
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