Climate change and heatwaves in the main coastal cities of the Basque Country

Autor: Abadie, Luis M., Smid, Marek
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5978682
Popis: In this paper we analyse the probabilistic behaviour of heatwaves (HWs) in the main coastal cities of the Basque Country (Bayonne, Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebasti��n) in the twentyfirst century. We estimate HW behaviour using data from eight climate circulation models under two representative concentration pathways (RCP 8.5 and RCP 4.5). We model HWs according to three factors: number per annum, duration and intensity, including correlations, and find very different results for each climate model. This highlights the problem of using a single model. Under RCP 8.5, we find an expected mean excess over the 30��C temperature threshold of 4.19��C for Bayonne, 4.05��C for Bilbao and 4.14��C for Donostia-San Sebasti��n in 2100. These expected values are based on incomplete information, so we also calculate several risk measures.
Databáze: OpenAIRE