Tempo giuridico e tempo politico nell'epurazione post-comunista in Germania

Autor: Guillaume Mouralis
Přispěvatelé: Institut des Sciences sociales du Politique (ISP), École normale supérieure - Cachan (ENS Cachan)-Université Paris Nanterre (UPN)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Mouralis, Guillaume
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Passato e Presente
Passato e Presente, 2010, XXVIII (80), pp.81-100
ISSN: 1972-5493
DOI: 10.3280/pass2010-080006
Popis: The author reconstructs aspects of the West German purge following the collapse of the Ddr and reunification of Germany. He contests the utility of studies of the judicial decisions in a period of transition that underline the political aspects of the change of regime, as well focuse the analysis of the purge procedures in the short term. He shows how many decisions of a juridical nature have longer-term origins, and are the consequence of changes in the law, starting with the trials for the crimes committed by the Nazis and in particular the Eichmann trial.
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