Metafora Sastra

Autor: 2017, Seminar, Subagiharti, Heni, Herawati, Tuti
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: This study analyzes the metaphor in one of Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir Munsji’s Literary works,that’s i “Hikajat Abdullah” written in Classical Malay Language and belonged to the best literary works in his period. It consists of many Metaphor as a figurative meanings that couldn’t be avoided in our routine life speak, write and think. In creating metaphors, human perception is affected by their interaction with the surrounding world or ecosystem. Thus metaphor’s in it have their own peculiarities One of distinctiveness is largely metaphorical comparison using vocabulary that is familiar with the community .Metaphor makes an implicit implied hidden comparison between two things or objects that are pole apart from each other but have some characteristics common between them .Above all, Metaphor is very needed as it belongs to an absolute basic of human mind, reveals from their conversation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE